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Hay's Building Services Pty Ltd


Completed 1 job on Oneflare


89 074 466 327

Business contact details

Address:Cheltenham NSW 2119, Beecroft, NSW


To meet our high standards, businesses are requested to provide as much company information as possible (such as ABN details and any relevant industry qualifications). Oneflare has been provided with the following details for this business:

Reminder: If your job requires a qualified or licensed tradesperson, always request details regarding any relevant professional licences before work has commenced and check those details on relevant industry databases to ensure they remain valid.

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    Verified Oneflare review

    28 Jan 2016



    Job Type: Skirting Boards

    Location: Rhodes, NSW

    I am very happy with Hay's Building Services Pty Ltd. He installed our skirting boards. The job is very nicely done, on time, and even faster than I thought. Mr. Hay was very friendly, always on time and he gave us some very good tips how to do things better. I definitely recommend Hay's Building Services Pty Ltd. Thank you so much!

Frequently asked questions

  • Why should a customer hire you over another service provider?

    Hay's Building Services PL offers quality workmanship at an affordable price. With more than 35 years experience in the building industry. Building extensions, renovations, and property maintenance, no job is too small.

  • What experience, skills, qualifications or training do you have to make you the right person for the job?

    I am a licensed builder with trade qualifications in carpentry and joinery and a diploma in structural engineering. I also have experience in structural steel detailing and have worked on large projects including schools, shopping centres, factories and various public works, pedestrian bridges etc.

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