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Laidley, QLD (28.8km from Laidley)
Fernvale, QLD (20.4km from Fernvale)
Mount Glorious, QLD (29.3km from Mount Glorious)
Forest Hill, QLD (23.5km from Forest Hill)
Eatons Hill, QLD (46.8km from Eatons Hill)
The Gap, QLD (46.5km from The Gap)
Hatton Vale, QLD (20.0km from Hatton Vale)
Warner, QLD (47.5km from Warner)
Warner, QLD (48.0km from Warner)
Thagoona, QLD (31.2km from Thagoona)
Sinnamon Park, QLD (49.7km from Sinnamon Park)
Mount Ommaney, QLD (48.4km from Mount Ommaney)
Basin Pocket, QLD (37.9km from Basin Pocket)
Karana Downs, QLD (38.2km from Karana Downs)
Sumner, QLD (49.5km from Sumner)
Pine Mountain, QLD (29.3km from Pine Mountain)
Goodna, QLD (48.4km from Goodna)
Ipswich, QLD (36.0km from Ipswich)
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