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Butler, WA (16.5km from Butler)
Wanneroo, WA (3.0km from Wanneroo)
Leederville, WA (20.2km from Leederville)
Joondalup, WA (4.9km from Joondalup)
Edgewater, WA (3.0km from Edgewater)
Mariginiup, WA (8.7km from Mariginiup)
Joondalup, WA (4.9km from Joondalup)
Karrinyup, WA (13.3km from Karrinyup)
Ellenbrook, WA (15.0km from Ellenbrook)
Hamersley, WA (10.4km from Hamersley)
Padbury, WA (6.3km from Padbury)
Marangaroo, WA (8.3km from Marangaroo)
Pearsall, WA (2.7km from Pearsall)
Heathridge, WA (5.3km from Heathridge)
Aveley, WA (16.5km from Aveley)
Ballajura, WA (11.9km from Ballajura)
Dianella, WA (15.5km from Dianella)
Scarborough, WA (16.2km from Scarborough)
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