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Popular home renovation jobs in South Yarra

  • Home Renovation job

    Posted by Steve

    26 Aug 2024
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    Location: South Yarra, VIC
    Job Description: The job requires the demolition of some wall and then rebuild of walls to create a kitchen and bathroom area. Plans have been drawn up. Site inspection will be required and available most days location is 356 Punt Road south Yarra
    Type of work: Home renovation | Type of residence: Terrace | Scale of job: One or more small upgrades | Need walls removed: Yes | Time allocated for project: 2 weeks or less | Stage of process: Ready to hire | Quality expectations: Budget design and finish | Heritage listed: No | When: As soon as possible
  • Home Renovation job

    Posted by Chris

    30 Jun 2024
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    Location: South Yarra, VIC
    Job Description: I have a 3 bed 1 bath apartment. I am hoping to divide the bathroom into 2, convert the kitchen into an open kitchen and potentially redo the floors.
    Type of work: Home renovation | Type of residence: Apartment | Scale of job: Multiple room renovation | Type of room: Bathroom | Need walls removed: Yes | Time allocated for project: 2-4 months | Stage of process: Planning phase | Quality expectations: I'm not sure | Heritage listed: Yes | When: 20/09/2024
  • Home Renovation job

    Posted by Sophia

    15 May 2024
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    Location: South Yarra, VIC
    Job Description: I want to remove a built in wardrobe & replace it.
    Type of work: Home renovation | Type of residence: Apartment | Scale of job: One or more small upgrades | Need walls removed: No | Time allocated for project: I'm not sure | Stage of process: Planning phase | Quality expectations: Budget design and finish | Heritage listed: No | When: As soon as possible
  • Home Renovation job

    Posted by Jacqueline

    06 Mar 2024
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    Location: South Yarra, VIC
    Job Description: Looking for someone to take a look at my kitchen to review possibilities for renovation
    Type of work: Kitchen renovation | Services needed: Update the kitchen cosmetically | Stage of process: Planning phase | Approval for works: No | Size of project: 8 | Quality expectations:: Budget design and finish | When: Anytime that works
  • Home Renovation job

    Posted by Emir

    15 Feb 2024
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    Location: South Yarra, VIC
    Job Description: Mini Cosmetic Renovation for Small Apartment Budget 20,000 +- 20% Overview: I recently purchased an apartment for myself to live in, but found that it needs some changes/modifications to be made in order for it to accommodate my furnishings. Naturally, I am apprehensive about even submitting this project for quotation, as I am acutely aware of the costs that this will incur. Nonetheless, I thought it best to list/write out everything that Im hoping to achieve, and then in conjunction with a contractor narrow down what is most essential based on costs. For this reason I have provided my maximum budget which is 20 to 24k. Goals that I am hoping to achieve are summarized below. Problem One: Storage The apartment is unfortunately plagued by a problem that affects most modern buildings that have 2+ walls made of glass. There is not much usable storage space. Installing more cabinetry or closets into a small space is not something I want to do as it further restricts and limits the amount of usable internal space. Therefore I was thinking about strategically installing some recessed/built in shelving in a few locations, mainly at the entrance of the apartment to place shoes and hang coats, as well as on either side of the master bad to accommodate for personal effects. Depending on cost, I may be inclined to also add this to the living room to further increase storage space as this is something you can never have too much of. Problem Two: Bathrooms (partial retile, shower glass replace, vanity, towel racks) The bathroom is a dark colour scheme and not my preference. At the same time, I appreciate that it is very cost inefficient to retile an entire bathroom. But the tiling of the bathroom has two parts, a dark grey tile on the floor that extends halfway up the wall, followed by a pattern of small green mosaic type squares that cover the upper half/top portion of the walls. I find the small squares repugnant and think the best solution would be to just remove those small squares and replace them with a brighter whiter tile going for the simple but elevated look. Similarly the shower door is a black glass and I would like to either replace with clear glass or a frame glass option . There are two bathrooms that have the same issue. Also, the master bathroom has an additional need for an under sink vanity cabinet, as at the moment, it does not exist . And if Im being very wishful would like to add/install built-in towel heaters for the master bedroom. Problem three: the entire apartment needs to be re-painted The apartment walls are a white/off-white cream colour. the colour is completely fine, but there are far too many marks and scratches that make the place feel very used . the entire apartment would benefit from a fresh coat of paint . Problem Four: Bedroom Carpets Im a bit of a germaphobe and really dislike carpets. the living area and the rest of the apartment, excluding the bathrooms have a Chevron timber flooring in place . I would like to remove the carpets that are currently in the bedrooms, and replace them with the same flooring thats in the living room for a uniform look. However, while the living room has a chevron pattern, the bedrooms should have a linear pattern look. Problem five: colour of the floors The colour of the timber flooring in the house is a dark, mahogany colour . I would like to have the floors, sanded, and/or refinished to be much lighter. Problem Six: colour of the kitchen cabinetry As the original owner of the house purchased it in the dark colour scheme, the cabinetry of the small kitchen is also dark in colour, and similar to what I would like to do with the floors, I would also like to have the cabinetry refinished to be a lighter colour that matches what the floors will look like (after being refinished) Problem Seven: no curtains in place The apartment has no curtains or blinds. I would like to install motorised sheer curtains in the living area, as well as the second bedroom/ home-office . In the master bedroom, I would like to install blackout curtains . I am a nightshift worker and having blackout is essential. All curtains motorized preferably. But if we have to cut costs, then prioritize motorizing the master bedroom. Problem Eight: Sockets on Balcony and Heat Strip Given that the apartment is so small in size, the balcony represents in excess of 10% of the internal area. Therefore it is in my best interest to make this a usable space for as much of the year as possible. The simplest way that I can think of doing this is to install ceiling mounted electric heat strips, but this would require extension of the electric to the outdoor space to accommodate for sockets. Ideally if I can find a single individual to either provide, or coordinate for, all of the above (if it is doable within budget), then can coordinate a site visit (as there is a tenant in place for another month before I move in). Keeping my fingers crossed! Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers
    Type of work: Home renovation | Type of residence: Apartment | Scale of job: One or more small upgrades | Need walls removed: No | Time allocated for project: 1 month | Stage of process: Ready to hire | Quality expectations: Premium design and finish | Heritage listed: No | When: 01/04/2024
  • Home Renovation job

    Posted by George

    23 Oct 2023
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    Location: South Yarra, VIC
    Job Description: Remove plaster board wall and soundproof install a supplied wallbed
    Type of work: Home renovation | Type of residence: Apartment | Scale of job: Single room renovation | Type of room: Bedroom | Need walls removed: Yes | Time allocated for project: 2-4 months | Stage of process: Ready to hire | Quality expectations: Premium design and finish | Heritage listed: No | When: As soon as possible

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