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Popular plumbing jobs in Wyong

  • Plumber job

    Posted by Gladys

    20 Jun 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Wyong, NSW
    Job Description: only need a plumber for the water efficiency compliance report not any plumbing issue but there has no options to choose in your setting.
    Type of job: Residential | Service needed: Installation | Installation needed: Shower or bathtub | Shower or bathtub: Bathtub | Supply and drain lines in place: Yes | Materials provided: Yes | Type of property: House | When: As soon as possible
  • Plumber job

    Posted by Julie

    27 Dec 2023
    Location: Wyong, NSW
    Job Description: Cant use shower or toilet as water is getting pushed to the kitchen sink. Will need a jet or electric eel.
    Type of job: Residential | Service needed: Repair and Maintenance | Things to be repaired or maintained: Pipelines | Pipeline problem: Clogged drain | Type of property: House | When: As soon as possible | How long has this been an issue: Today
  • Plumber job

    Posted by Kevin

    30 Oct 2023
    Location: Wyong, NSW
    Job Description: Here is summary of all the work that needs completing 1. 2 showers fixed heads that needs replacing to handle/extendable 2. 3 sink taps/spout replaced 3. Having new plug waste installed in sinks/bathtub 4. Checking pressure 5. Having bathtub spout replaced into something that can be extended like the shower
    Type of job: Residential | Service needed: Replacement | Installation needed: Sink and tap | Supply and drain lines in place: No, new pipes will need to be added | Type of property: Townhouse | When: As soon as possible
  • Plumber job

    Posted by Marieka

    07 Aug 2023
    Location: Wyong, NSW
    Job Description: The week of Monday 21/8 the hot water temperature needs to be adjusted.
    Type of job: Residential | Service needed: Repair and Maintenance | Things to be repaired or maintained: Water Heater | Problem with water heater The temperature has to be reset to standard temperature as it is currently at 45 degrees. | Type of property: House | When: 21/08/2023 | How long has this been an issue: Just now

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