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North Richmond, NSW (31.5km from North Richmond)
Kurrajong Hills, NSW (25.4km from Kurrajong Hills)
Grose Wold, NSW (34.0km from Grose Wold)
Box Hill, NSW (43.1km from Box Hill)
Bligh Park, NSW (39.4km from Bligh Park)
Schofields, NSW (48.0km from Schofields)
Marsden Park, NSW (45.6km from Marsden Park)
Colebee, NSW (49.2km from Colebee)
Marsden Park, NSW (46.4km from Marsden Park)
Cranebrook, NSW (47.6km from Cranebrook)
Penrith, NSW (49.9km from Penrith)
Freemans Reach, NSW (29.8km from Freemans Reach)
Penrith, NSW (49.9km from Penrith)
Kellyville Ridge, NSW (49.5km from Kellyville Ridge)
Glenorie, NSW (40.2km from Glenorie)
Bligh Park, NSW (39.3km from Bligh Park)
Box Hill, NSW (43.1km from Box Hill)
Dargan, NSW (45.5km from Dargan)
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The Oneflare Cost Guide Centre is your one-stop shop to help you set your budget; from smaller tasks to larger projects.
Average price Professional window cleaning ranges from $80 to $220 per service, with high-rise window cleaning rates from $12 per square metre.
Average price $150 — $550
Average price $130 — $700
Average price $115 — $4,000