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Coledale, NSW (8.1km from Coledale)
Flinders, NSW (41.8km from Flinders)
Bundeena, NSW (22.1km from Bundeena)
Engadine, NSW (18.7km from Engadine)
Wollongong, NSW (24.3km from Wollongong)
Gymea, NSW (23.1km from Gymea)
Kirrawee, NSW (22.7km from Kirrawee)
Miranda, NSW (24.0km from Miranda)
Figtree, NSW (26.1km from Figtree)
Ruse, NSW (20.6km from Ruse)
Airds, NSW (19.8km from Airds)
Wiley Park, NSW (33.6km from Wiley Park)
Wollongong, NSW (23.9km from Wollongong)
Bankstown, NSW (32.3km from Bankstown)
Campbelltown, NSW (22.8km from Campbelltown)
Croydon Park, NSW (37.6km from Croydon Park)
Alexandria, NSW (40.0km from Alexandria)
Sans Souci, NSW (29.1km from Sans Souci)
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