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Popular leaking roof repairs jobs in Epping

  • Leaking Roof Repairs job

    Posted by Vivek

    07 Oct 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Epping, VIC
    Job Description: The eves in town house has leak.
    Type of repair: Leaking roof | Type of roof: Steel, metal or colourbond | Type of building: Multi-level home or building | When: As soon as possible

    Vivek's review for a a leaking roof repairs job in Epping


    01 Nov 2024

    kidman dis a fantastic job. he was quick to respind and attend on short notice. great service.

    01 Nov 2024

  • Leaking Roof Repairs job

    Posted by Chris

    27 Jul 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Epping, VIC
    Job Description: My father-in-law built his own gutter box on top of a new front porch that he also built. One side of the porch is a brick wall with texture-paint and the opposite wall is simply a wooden frame with cement sheet cladding. The roof was leaking some drops of water in about two or three sections. I attempted to repair the leaks under the ceiling first, with silicone, flashing, and extra wood to reinforce it all. It seems as though I have disturbed the wood and it is now leaking more. Some of the water also appears to be running back through the downpipe opening in the brick wall (downpipe is yet to be installed). The general consensus is that this is happening because the downpipe is yet to be installed, but we're not sure, whereas we suspect all other leaks in the middle of the ceiling are from openings, unsealed areas, me disturbing the wood, etc. Other than putting in the downpipe, we're out of ideas. We prefer not to take down and rebuild the porch but rather repair it. Hoping someone can work out a solution to repair it. Thank you
    Type of repair: Leaking roof | Type of roof: Steel, metal or colourbond | Type of building: Single-level home | When: Any time that works
  • Leaking Roof Repairs job

    Posted by Chris

    19 Jun 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Epping, VIC
    Job Description: Hi there. We have a structure that was built by my father-in-law a few years ago, we just didn't clad the ceiling of the porch because of the leaks, and we haven't resolved the leaks for various reasons. I attempted to patch up the leaks by sealing all joints on the roof first, but some leakage remained. I then attempted to repair the underside of the porch next. Upon attempting to repair the underside, however, I've actually made the leakage slightly worse. The porch frame is built, a gutter box has been built, but the rain head and downpipe are yet to be installed. As for the underside of the porch, I reinforced the frame with some extra wood, as the current frame as been susceptible to rain and leakage over the years, and it has started to rot. By adding in the extra wood, however, I've essentially disturbed the current frame, and more gaps have opened up from fresh drilling, silicone I ripped off, etc. Lastly, I covered the wood with flashing and roof and gutter silicone to keep the leakage at bay, but it is still leaking. We don't know if it can be repaired or has to be taken down and replaced, though we'd prefer to have it repaired if possible. Thank you
    Type of repair: Leaking roof | Type of roof: Steel, metal or colourbond | Type of building: Single-level home | When: Any time that works

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