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Popular electrical services jobs in Holland Park

  • Electrician job

    Posted by Sam

    06 Feb 2025
    Location: Holland Park, QLD
    Job Description: Hi, need someone who can help us get our new electric cooktop connected as soon as possible.
    Service needed: Replacement | Type of service: Appliance Installation | Type of appliance: Cooktop | Powerlines needed: No | Type of property: Townhouse | When: As soon as possible
  • Electrician job

    Posted by Ann

    01 Mar 2024
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    Location: Holland Park, QLD
    Job Description: Possible to walk around house & give a quick verbal assessment before an Auction in a week's time? - The B&P reports were fine. ... So...Just would appreciate a Licenced electrician experienced in very old houses to (1) rule out any 'show-stoppers' during inspection Sat 2nd March at 12:45 at 49 Framont St Holland Park 4121 - an old house built 1947 - you would walk around with me - a potential bidder at auction next wk - I know from the B&P reports that there are already safety switch(s) and/or modern circuit breakers in the Meter Box - OK good. (2) Could u assess electrical wiring if any seen obviously in walls or under timber floor boards of a one-storey double-brick house (I totally understand that the crawl space may limit visuals to the wiring that is nearest to access door) AND (3) ideally bring a ladder & check what wiring can be seen in the roofspace with phone flash photos from the manhole - For eg make sure there's no dodgy wiring like the old 'Figure-of-eight' wiring. AND pls check if downlightst are fire-rated ie I can see that insulation batts are sitting on the ceilings - this can be seen in Bldg & Pest report photos. So... IF not quality downlights or other old incandescent lights, can you pls see if the downlight is allowed to be insulation coverable, or if need to install a loft cap one day over them? Lastly, I already know that the LG solar battery has a serial number (serious) recall... and should be turned off until replaced but... (5) are u experienced to come back if we actually bought this property to isolate/ turn it off, so only the panels are being used during the day? If these 5 issues makes sense and you can spare half an hour and simply comment (& text a few photos is all - no written report) during a walk-thru at 12:45 qld time tmrw Sat 2nd March, that would be interesting before bidding on a house.
    Service needed: Electrical Inspection | Inspection services needed: General Electrical Inspection | Type of property: Freestanding house | When: 02/03/2024
  • Electrician job

    Posted by Omid

    09 Dec 2023
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    Location: Holland Park, QLD
    Job Description: We have an old airconditioning unit which needs to be v replaced with a new one. I have the new unit
    Service needed: Replacement | Type of service: Fixture installation (power points, lights, etc) | Type of appliance: Airconditioning | Powerlines needed: No | Type of property: Granny flat | When: As soon as possible
  • Electrician job

    Posted by Teshani

    22 Jul 2023
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    Location: Holland Park, QLD
    Job Description: We need to move the main power line that connects to our house as it's in road of proposed carport. NBN cable also may need to be moved. I understand maybe we need to submit papers to Energex too. Also looking to get an electric car so need power connected to area where our slab is. About 5m from the power box. we are holland park west
    Service needed: Repair and Maintenance | What do you need to be repaired: Cabling (Phone lines, data, power) | Type of cabling: Phone line cabling | Type of property: Freestanding house | When: Anytime that works

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