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Magill, SA (5.6km from Magill)
Adelaide, SA (8.5km from Adelaide)
Warradale, SA (18.6km from Warradale)
Norwood, SA (6.9km from Norwood)
Highbury, SA (6.0km from Highbury)
Magill, SA (5.2km from Magill)
Modbury Heights, SA (6.5km from Modbury Heights)
Northgate, SA (2.4km from Northgate)
Golden Grove, SA (9.5km from Golden Grove)
Klemzig, SA (2.1km from Klemzig)
Northfield, SA (3.2km from Northfield)
Mawson Lakes, SA (7.3km from Mawson Lakes)
Adelaide, SA (8.5km from Adelaide)
Redwood Park, SA (7.7km from Redwood Park)
Dulwich, SA (8.2km from Dulwich)
Felixstow, SA (2.7km from Felixstow)
Para Hills West, SA (7.6km from Para Hills West)
Adelaide, SA (8.5km from Adelaide)
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