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Popular carpentry jobs in Springfield Lakes

  • Carpenter job

    Posted by Helel

    30 Sep 2024
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    Location: Springfield Lakes, QLD
    Job Description: need repair or replace the door
    Carpentry project: Doors | Door service needed: Repair | Single door: Yes | Number of doors : 3 | Type of door(s): Sliding | Door(s) provided: Yes | Lock(s) needed: Yes | Type of property: Duplex | When: Any time that works
  • Carpenter job

    Posted by Litiana

    04 Jun 2024
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    Location: Springfield Lakes, QLD
    Job Description: Need someone to remove garage timber frame. I'm having the garage waterproofed. Not too sure how how much of the frame needs to be removed, just what's required for waterproofing and not sure how to proceed after waterproofing is done, so please let me know what you quote and detail the works. The garage obviously need to be replastered after all the structural repair so include all of that too please and see (below) comments from our insurance building company about the cavity, if that's an issue that also needs to be fixed? Background info of the issue: Brick veneer house. Leak only occurs during heavy rain and appears through the garage skirting. The image of the skirting cut out is old (just wanted to show a clear picture of the garage) its been replastered since but leaking hasn't been fixed. From builder's report with access to the cavity from the end it was noted that there is no masonry closing off the cavity, two pieces of FC cladding appear to be closing the cavity at the bottom and no waterproofing was sighted". Builder's opinion: a combination of water from seepage due to hydrostatic pressure coming through the bottom of the slab (could see no outlet for any aggregate drain behind the slab) and a lack of waterproofing at the end of the cavity (cavity is left open) it would be highly likely that ground water is entering the cavity at this point. There's no side access to the property (garage), there's a few cm seperating between the property and neigbour's property. This is what will be done by the waterproofing specialist: "SUPPLY AND INSTALL 2 PART EPOXY TO INSIDE OF BRICK WALL. - TIMBER FRAME TO BE REMOVED BY CLIENT APPROX 12 LINEAL M ALL MATERIALS & LABOR. FORM 43 COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE SUPPLIED". If you want to visit the property to quote or require more info please let me know. Thank you!
    Carpentry project: Timber framing | Structure to be framed: Garage | Size of structure: Not sure. Long garage can fit about 3 standard cars in there. | Plans provided: No, I need assistance with planning | Type of property: Freestanding House | When: Any time that works
  • Carpenter job

    Posted by Guru

    05 Aug 2023
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    Location: Springfield Lakes, QLD
    Job Description: We need to install fire place at the front wall as shown in the corridor at the entrance and at the back wall which is the living room area will need wall mounted TV and there is pre existing fireplace which is electric too which is plug in and can be moved around so need cabinets surrounding it make it look neat and tidy
    Carpentry project: Cabinet making | Service needed: Build and install custom cabinets | Cabinets removed: No | Material of cabinets: As recommended by a professional | When: Any time that works

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