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Grandchester, QLD (23.3km from Grandchester)
Brisbane, QLD (45.1km from Brisbane)
Moggill, QLD (32.2km from Moggill)
Ipswich, QLD (24.0km from Ipswich)
Goodna, QLD (35.2km from Goodna)
Laidley, QLD (25.8km from Laidley)
Samsonvale, QLD (36.7km from Samsonvale)
The Gap, QLD (36.4km from The Gap)
Sinnamon Park, QLD (38.3km from Sinnamon Park)
Kenmore, QLD (36.9km from Kenmore)
Woodend, QLD (23.2km from Woodend)
Richlands, QLD (40.1km from Richlands)
Hamilton, QLD (49.0km from Hamilton)
Esk, QLD (28.0km from Esk)
Parkinson, QLD (48.9km from Parkinson)
Hillcrest, QLD (49.6km from Hillcrest)
Greenslopes, QLD (46.6km from Greenslopes)
Yeerongpilly, QLD (43.8km from Yeerongpilly)
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