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Popular painting jobs in Sadliers Crossing

  • Painter job

    Posted by Brenton

    27 Feb 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Sadliers Crossing, QLD
    Job Description: Hi, we are needing to have a small patch on a wall approximately 1 inch round, and, one more repainted (Same old as the patch) In a bedroom.
    Area to be painted: Interior painting | Size of job: Surface(s) restoration | Interior areas to be painted: bedroom | Number of rooms: 1 | Number of walls: 1 | Paint supplied: No | Condition of area: Painted | When: As soon as possible
  • Painter job

    Posted by Tony

    20 Nov 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    • Mobile VerifiedMobile
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    Location: Sadliers Crossing, QLD
    Job Description: Please quote to paint stair posts and balustrades plus landing and also balcony floor about 6sqm. Prefer a visit for an accurate quote - either supply paint or I will.
    Area to be painted: Exterior painting | Size of job: Fresh painting job | What needs painting: stairs and balcony floor | Exterior walls: 0 | Paint supplied: Yes | Condition of area: Unfinished | When: Any time that works
  • Painter job

    Posted by Toni

    02 Aug 2023
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Sadliers Crossing, QLD
    Job Description: Please provide quotes Welcome to visit site PAINTER REQUIRED EXTERIOR HOUSE I require a professional painter to paint the remaining sections of the house of which I cannot reach using my ladders. Unfortunately, I am unable to finish the job as I am not prepared to go higher up a ladder as I have already broken my left hand. The house is one story but with decent underground. The front part of the house is generally level ground. The sides of the house are gradual sloped ground. PARTICULARS 1. The job is located in Sadliers Crossing, QLD 4305 2. Paint job to be done in warm weather with limited wind (especially if you are using a spray gun) 3. I have the paint; almost 14 litres of paint; you are quoting on job only, not paint. 4. You will need to clean the planks (plank board house) that I have not been able to reach & give TWO coats of paint; the paint colour is grey NONE FINISHED JOB 1. I have taken photos of the job that needs to be done; basically everything that is painted the awful green requires the clean & TWO coats of the grey paint. 2. The front part of the house requires paint to approx. 12 standard size planks (excluding small sections) including the peak of the house. 3. The left side of the house requires paint to approx. 20 planks. 4. The right side of the house requires paint to approx. 6 planks plus x2 under window hoods 5. The back side of the house is finished; no further action required. 6. Photos included. QUOTATION 1. You are welcome to visit the house to inspect the job prior to providing your quote. 2. Please advise your date(s) availability to do the job. 3. Please advise length of time to complete job & approximate start & finish date; I estimate the job to be done in a day especially when using a spray gun. 4. Please provide your true quote for the job in writing to my email address: [Description contains phone number. Description will be revealed after quoting] 5. Please provide your experience (years of painting experience), credentials & reviews. 6. You will require your own personal injury insurance; I do not have any insurances. 7. Please advise payment terms (e.g. cash, credit card, deposit, etc). Toni Ph [Description contains phone number. Description will be revealed after quoting] Email [Description contains phone number. Description will be revealed after quoting]
    Area to be painted: Exterior painting | Size of job: Fresh painting job | What needs painting: Building exterior walls | Exterior walls: 3 | Paint supplied: Yes | Condition of area: Unfinished | When: Any time that works

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