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Mosman Park, WA (17.3km from Mosman Park)
Piara Waters, WA (4.9km from Piara Waters)
Palmyra, WA (13.3km from Palmyra)
Mandurah, WA (44.3km from Mandurah)
Cockburn Central, WA (3.0km from Cockburn Central)
Secret Harbour, WA (30.9km from Secret Harbour)
Bibra Lake, WA (6.6km from Bibra Lake)
Martin, WA (15.9km from Martin)
Southern River, WA (9.9km from Southern River)
Canning Vale, WA (8.5km from Canning Vale)
Leeming, WA (7.5km from Leeming)
Scarborough, WA (29.0km from Scarborough)
Perth, WA (21.5km from Perth)
Booragoon, WA (11.8km from Booragoon)
Camillo, WA (13.2km from Camillo)
Success, WA (1.5km from Success)
Wilson, WA (14.4km from Wilson)
Gosnells, WA (13.8km from Gosnells)
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