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Augustine Heights, QLD (1.7km from Augustine Heights)
Ipswich, QLD (14.1km from Ipswich)
Ipswich, QLD (14.1km from Ipswich)
Ipswich, QLD (14.1km from Ipswich)
Wacol, QLD (8.5km from Wacol)
Redbank Plains, QLD (4.5km from Redbank Plains)
Redbank Plains, QLD (4.5km from Redbank Plains)
Redbank Plains, QLD (4.5km from Redbank Plains)
West Ipswich, QLD (15.3km from West Ipswich)
Basin Pocket, QLD (14.1km from Basin Pocket)
Tamborine, QLD (27.6km from Tamborine)
Mount Crosby, QLD (17.6km from Mount Crosby)
Calamvale, QLD (15.4km from Calamvale)
Corinda, QLD (14.7km from Corinda)
Crestmead, QLD (17.9km from Crestmead)
Oxley, QLD (13.1km from Oxley)
Tanah Merah, QLD (27.9km from Tanah Merah)
Waterford, QLD (24.3km from Waterford)
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