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Cronulla, NSW (1.6km from Cronulla)
Taren Point, NSW (2.9km from Taren Point)
Cronulla, NSW (1.6km from Cronulla)
Eastgardens, NSW (13.6km from Eastgardens)
Maroubra, NSW (14.3km from Maroubra)
Como, NSW (8.4km from Como)
Maroubra, NSW (14.8km from Maroubra)
Coogee, NSW (17.5km from Coogee)
Connells Point, NSW (7.7km from Connells Point)
Coogee, NSW (17.0km from Coogee)
Kensington, NSW (17.2km from Kensington)
Rockdale, NSW (10.2km from Rockdale)
Randwick, NSW (17.2km from Randwick)
Botany, NSW (12.1km from Botany)
Randwick, NSW (17.2km from Randwick)
Randwick, NSW (17.2km from Randwick)
Yowie Bay, NSW (3.4km from Yowie Bay)
Matraville, NSW (13.3km from Matraville)
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