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Popular carpentry jobs in Rosebery

  • Carpenter job

    Posted by Beverley

    22 Jan 2024
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    Location: Rosebery, NSW
    Job Description: "Teak dining table is 78cm high. I need the 4 legs cut down by approx 6 cm each. The legs are 10 cm square. It will need to be done at my home as table is very heavy.
    Carpentry project: timber dining table | Plans provided: No, I need assistance with planning | Type of property: Freestanding House | When: Any time that works
  • Carpenter job

    Posted by Shawn

    09 Nov 2023
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    Location: Rosebery, NSW
    Job Description: Would like to replace laundry door with new doors from Bunnings as old ones got mold. The size should fit with 1-1.5 cm margin, may need to shave off a bit. Request the door to be sized and painted with mold prevention paint and installed. Installation date is flexible
    Carpentry project: Doors | Door service needed: Installation | Single door: Yes | Number of doors : 2 | Type of door(s): French | Door(s) provided: Yes | Lock(s) needed: No | Type of property: Freestanding House | When: Any time that works
  • Carpenter job

    Posted by Mike

    01 Aug 2023
    Location: Rosebery, NSW
    Job Description: Hi there, I need a quote for one mid 1960's style matte white painted timber balcony door (with clear glass in the middle which we still have in one piece after the timber fell apart after heavy rain) The measurements for the door itself are approximately 203.7cm tall and 80.8cm wide. The clear glass in the middle measures approximately 165.7cm tall and 64.3cm wide. Thas a round chrome door handle on the left hand side with a twist button locking mechanism in the centre of the chrome handle, and the door hinges are obviously on the right hand side since it opens clockwise to the right onto the balcony. It also has a vertical push-up bolt locking mechanism located at the top left hand side (made by Lockwood) which is matte white in colour. Just above the glass it has a white coloured shutter style blinds (cord operated ) which hang down a little bit over the full vertical length and width of the glass. The timber on the old balcony door has partially disintegrated away and fallen apart due to water absorbtion and being decades old. The clear glass in the middle is still intact but has become dislodged from the timber. I doubt the door could be repaired considering the condition of the timber so it looks as if a new door will be needed. But I'm hoping the cord operated shutter style blinds and push up bolt locking mechanism could maybe be saved and re-installed on the new door? Let me know if this is possible? In addition to a price quote, can you please give me an estimated time of how long it would take to obtain the new balcony door with the above specifications and install it? What days and times can you do the installation? Also, please let me know if you offer any discount for pensioner concession card holders? Do you accept cash payment? We are located in the Sydney suburb of Eastlakes 2018 Cheers, Mike.
    Carpentry project: Doors | Door service needed: Replace | Single door: Yes | Number of doors : 1 | Type of door(s): Standard | Door(s) provided: No | Lock(s) needed: Yes | Type of property: Apartment | When: As soon as possible

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