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Bellevue, WA (7.7km from Bellevue)
Caversham, WA (4.3km from Caversham)
Ballajura, WA (8.7km from Ballajura)
Kinross, WA (28.2km from Kinross)
Ellenbrook, WA (16.1km from Ellenbrook)
Perth, WA (9.5km from Perth)
Bassendean, WA0
High Wycombe, WA (6.8km from High Wycombe)
Wanneroo, WA (22.9km from Wanneroo)
Alexander Heights, WA (11.6km from Alexander Heights)
Sinagra, WA (22.9km from Sinagra)
Balga, WA (11.5km from Balga)
Wanneroo, WA (20.6km from Wanneroo)
Nollamara, WA (9.9km from Nollamara)
Tuart Hill, WA (10.1km from Tuart Hill)
Bentley, WA (12.1km from Bentley)
Balcatta, WA (12.5km from Balcatta)
Welshpool, WA (10.2km from Welshpool)
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